iphone 4S Photo Gallery

iphone 4S Photo Gallery, dual core, With 8 megapixels and all-new optics, this just might be the best camera ever on a mobile phone. It just might be the only camera you’ll ever need. And if you think that’s amazing, wait until you see your photos.

iphone 4S Photo Gallery
Quality photo by iPhone 4S Camera

iphone 4S Photo Gallery
iphone 4S Photo Gallery

The iPhone 4S camera gives you 8 megapixels — that’s 60 percent more pixels than the camera on iPhone 4. They’re engineered with a higher, full-well capacity to collect even more light. With more megapixels and more light, you’ll see a dramatic difference in the resolution and details of your images. So your photos look stunning everywhere you show them off — on your iPhone, your computer, or your HDTV. And they’re rendered pixel for pixel in prints as large as 8x10.
iphone 4S Photo Gallery
iphone 4S Photo Gallery
iphone 4S Photo Gallery
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